Your donations, no matter how big or small, are truly appreciated.
1. Immigration
Through your support, we can provide immigrants with the essential commodities they need to survive in a new environment, integrate into the community economically to be self-sufficient, and eventually become legal citizens.
2. Teen at Risk Program
Together, let us build a better future for children and adolescents whose lives were jeopardized or potentially in peril due to school drop-outs, teenage pregnancy, substance use and abuse, and mental problems..
3. Adult Literacy and Back-to-School Program
Hand-in-hand, let us give adults who were deprived of their right to obtain quality education a second chance to acquire knowledge and skills they can use to access better work opportunities – for themselves and their children.
4. Rehabilitation Counseling and Society Engagement
Support our programs designed to advance the personal, social, and career goals of people with disabilities. Your help will go a long way in addressing the environmental and attitudinal barriers they face so they can achieve an enhanced quality of life.
5. Sports
Sports are effective methods of diverting children’s and adolescents’ attention from unhealthy habits. Your support can have a significant impact on improving their lives.